It is an exciting moment to be writing this - as we will launch a Camera Technician class of 2023 in roughly 6 weeks. You can find the application forms on the bottom of the article, but please read what you are heading into first! Earlier in the year I made a longer article about the future of the Camera Rescue project and it hinted that we would try still to do a technician class for 2023 - even if it wouldn't be during the normal summer schedule and even if the economic situation of the world is uncertain. Now that the schedules and plausibility for the class have been confirmed - please read ahead if you are brave enough to combat the dark and cold winter of Finland with immense amounts of coffee and endorphins out of camera excitement.

The challenge:
No matter your educational background - this class has proven to be a challenge. Becoming a good camera technician is about learning the whole history of photographic material since the 1800s to modern day and knowing how to test it all efficiently and accurately. Camera history has over 100 000 different pieces of kit, and even the common products that you can expect to see yearly or monthly still range around 30 000 products. If that number feels too big to understand - it is roughly the amount of different products in a relatively big grocery store, so just imagine every item in the store as being a different camera, lens, flash or accessory you need to know how to test.
The challenge also allows different kind of people to shine. We have had people with doctorates not be able to get a grasp of the camera world, while people with no background in theoretical studies excelled at it. We have also had the opposite happen. The only thing we can say, is that an interest in cameras seems to be crucial for the camera information to stick to someone's mind.
The class will teach you how to categorize, prioritize and verify camera knowledge using your own knowledge, IT tools and testing machinery.

The school in practice.
All classes will be held at the premises of in the center of Tampere, Finland and the school days are mainly from 9-16. There is no way to do this training remotely.
The schools six months include three phases:
1) Introductory/theory phase
- Roughly 20 days of theory and classroom teaching to go through the basics of the camera world. These 20 days are partly scattered during the first three months, with a emphasis on more theory in the very first week.
2) Camera technician basics
40-60 days of hands on training with senior camera technicians on your side helping you put into practice what you have learned in theory.
3) Ramping up to your potential.
During the previous years we have noticed that many students learn in the first three months just as much about themselves as they learn about cameras. Some have walked in dreaming of being cameramakers (camera mechanics that repair cameras) and noticed that they enjoy talking about cameras (marketing) much more than opening them. Ideally the class will all continue to become camera technicians, but that's not always the case. The last 40-60 days are about finding the best position for your skillset and future aspirations, doing a personal learning plan and letting you test yourself within that role.
To learn more about the Camera Technician school I also recommend reading the article of last years class.
The timetables:
Application period: 2.10.-15.10.23 Invitations to interviews 24.10.23 Interviews: 26.10. - 27.10.23 School starts: 6.11.2023 Orientation period: First 4 weeks. Christmas holiday from school: 21.12.23-02.01.24 School ends: 7.5.2024
Who can apply?
The core group of the class will revolve around the people applicable for Yksillöllinen rekrykoulutus in Finland. For those that don't speak Finnish or Swedish to summarize: if you don't already have Finnish residency when you are reading this, you will not be able to apply through it. For the ones in Finland, some restrictions still apply, but they will all be listed on the application page of the TE-palvelut. If you are applicable to apply throught that route, fill the form in the bottom of the page. We will however take in also international applications through our own application form until 16.10.23 too and see how many international applicants could join the core group based on the applications and interviews. Last year it was four internationals that made it, but most likely this year the amount will be lower as the winter season is much busier for the teachers and keeping the class size more manageable will be better for all.
